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Lupine Page 10

  She’s completely unphased about the fact that I’m supposed to be some sort of princess or that I’m apparently meant to be in charge of their… mafia.

  Do I look like the sort of person who would run a criminal enterprise? Perhaps the old headmaster of Stone Hill High might have thought I might grow up to become that but no one else would ever believe it.

  “Go out!” she tells me sternly.

  “What? No. I’ve got work to do.”

  “The kitchen cupboards do not need spring cleaning right now,” she says, “but if they do, hello delegate…” She points at herself with a wide grin on her face. “Why are you wasting time doing shit like this, when you could head over to the gym and see your wolves?”

  “They’re working,” I retort.


  “I don’t want to disturb them.”

  “Don’t be daft. It’s almost lunch time and I’m sure they’d love the distraction. Plus, just imagine how amazing it will be if you arrive and they just so happen to be working out.”

  Her eyes gloss over, and I know I’ve lost her.

  “Just think… Sweat… Muscles… Lunges…”

  I don’t understand her. As much as I agree I’d love to see them exercising, I can’t get behind her liturgy of random words. The picture they inspire is definitely hot, but individually those words are seriously unsexy.

  “Will you be okay without me?” I ask, pulling off the apron I’ve been wearing to do the spring cleaning that is annoying Jacqueline so much.

  “Of course,” she laughs. “Plus Lewis is back today so we’ll be fine. Take your time and have some fun. You deserve it.”

  I’m not sure what she means by that. It sounds like she’s suggesting I don’t have a life. Then again, she’s not wrong. The orphanage is my life. Well… I guess my mates fit in there somewhere too now, but I still haven’t completely gotten used to that.

  Heading up stairs, I put a little bit of lippy on. I don’t do it often anymore. I’m literally just like the mums at the school, except I never squeezed a baby out of my vagina.

  I grab my keys and phone, rushing back down the stairs and out the front door, shouting a quick goodbye to Jacqueline. Hurrying down the drive, I climb into my car and check my appearance in the rear-view mirror.

  What am I doing? I don’t even know where the gym is. Maybe I should have asked Jacqueline before I left… Am I seriously about to drive aimlessly around town looking for their new gym?

  Silver Springs isn’t the biggest town, but it’s still big enough to get lost in.

  It turns out my concerns are unfounded though because the gym isn’t exactly inconspicuous. It’s crazy expensive looking. I park in the carpark outside and stare up at the building in front of me.

  “Excuse me ma'am,” a voice says from behind me. “Are you alright?”

  Turning around, I come face to face with a troll in a cop’s uniform with his gym bag slung over his shoulder. He’s sort of intimidating and my mouth has forgotten how to move.

  “Er… yeah. I’m okay.”

  “Are you going in?”

  “In?” My voice is high pitched.

  "Into the gym. Are you here to work out?"

  I wonder if this policeman would be using my guys’ gym if he knew it was run by the mafia. Then again, as far as most of the town knows it’s just a baseless rumor.

  Nodding my head, I tell my body to move. I can’t stand here staring at the building all day, clearly or people will think that something is wrong with me. Except now I’m not staring at the building but the troll in front of me. Gulping, I turn back around and force my feet to move in the direction of the gym.

  I’m relieved to see Stefano behind the front desk. At least it’s a familiar face. He jumps to his feet as soon as he sees me, getting out from behind his desk.

  “LUPINE!” He practically shouts, taking me in his arms so he can kiss both of my cheeks.

  Rehan pulls him off me, growling at him to keep his distance under his breath. The rest of my guys have obviously heard Stefano’s outbreak because they all seem to suddenly appear. Looks like I’m not going to get to see them working out today.

  Rehan, Kalen and Camden are all in gym clothes, but Wren is in a suit, standing above us all, leaning against a balcony railing outside of what I presume is his office.

  “We were just sparring,” Rehan says, when I reach out to touch his face where he seems to be developing a bit of a bruise.

  “What brings you here?” Camden asks eagerly.

  “I thought I’d ask you guys if you want to get some lunch.”

  “Are you asking us out on a date?” Wren asks when he gets down the stairs and joins us, wrapping an arm around my waist.

  “I guess I am.”

  “No kids in tow?” Rehan asks with a grin. “I can think of other things we can do, if we have you to ourselves…”

  Blinking, I try not to let my mind dwell on what he’s suggesting. If I don’t try to keep my mind out of the gutter, this will be the longest lunch ever. Not that I’d complain.

  “Where are we going for lunch?” Kalen asks.

  Rehan is the first to answer with, “home,” causing us all to laugh.

  Wren tells Stefano that we’ll be back soon but then he adds an ‘ish’ and I wonder if he’s decided that Rehan might have the right idea.

  “I don’t really fancy proper food,” Rehan grumbles. “I’d settle for some cake though.”

  “Cake?” I ask. It seems completely insane that these super healthy, toned sex-gods want to eat cake instead of a hearty meal.

  “Yeah… Slow releasing carbs,” he replies. “I think I’m going to lift weights when I get back after lunch.”

  I have no idea what he’s talking about. Are slow releasing carbs good? I thought all carbs were bad. Except I guess they’re not exactly trying to lose weight.

  “I know the perfect place,” I say. “How do you feel about pink?”

  “Pink?” Kalen asks, his eyebrow raised.

  “Pink door. Pink walls. Basically, lots of pink.”

  “Right… do they serve cake?” Rehan asks me with a smirk.

  “Bakeries usually do and Buttercup’s Bake Shop is the best EVER.”

  “Five-star review, huh?” Camden asks as we begin to make our way out into the street.

  “Yup… the cakes are that good. We’ll have to take some back for the kids though. They’ll be so disappointed I went without them.”

  “We can buy them the whole menu,” Wren offers.

  “Yeah… I kind of want to sleep tonight.”

  “Really?” Wren smirks. “I was planning on keeping you awake.”

  It’s Not Safe

  “I don’t think it’s a good idea, Lupine,” Rehan says, lying naked, sprawled across my bed, drawing circles on my stomach.

  It’s late and there are other things we all could be doing, but my guys aren’t going to let me distract them with sex it would seem. It’s annoying as hell because all I can think about is sex. Seriously, try not thinking about sex when you are surrounded by four naked sexy shifters. It’s not an easy task, let me tell you.

  “It’s my job,” I say brusquely, trying my best to keep my cool.

  I really don’t want to argue with them, but I think they’re being a little bit ridiculous.

  Ever since our visit to the witch, the guys have been a little bit paranoid about the idea of me taking Amon to the academy for his visit. I’ve tried telling them that I was perfectly safe when I was a student there, but they’re convinced it’s not safe.

  “Jacqueline is more than capable of going,” Wren argues from where he’s sitting at the bottom of my bed with Love Blooms in his hands.

  I have no idea why he’s actually reading it. It’s sort of embarrassing. Not that I’m ashamed that I read a smutty novel, but that he’ll be able to tell what I thought about while reading it. I don’t want to admit that even before forming the mating bond, I wanted them. Although maybe that�
��s a good thing. No one wants to think the only reason they’re together is because of some sort of mystical, unexplainable magic.

  “Did you actually read this?” he asks with a suggestive look.

  “Yes, I read it,” I tell him, shaking my head.

  He looks like he wants to ask more. I can imagine what sort of questions he might have, but I’m not about to tell him about me touching myself in the bathtub.

  “I’m perfectly capable of taking Amon too by the way,” I say, moving the conversation back. As much as I don’t want to argue about tomorrow, I definitely don’t want to discuss that book.

  “It’s not safe,” Kalen growls. “You shouldn’t leave town.”

  If I had one mate, I’d probably be able to argue this better but with four of them, I’ve already lost before we even started arguing because they’ve out voted me.

  “It’s perfectly safe…”

  Even the witch said the academy is safe. I’ve told them that of course, but they refused to accept it. I guess, it doesn’t help that they didn’t actually get to hear the witch’s words themselves.

  “You’re wrong.”

  “We’ll see…” I laugh. “Tomorrow isn’t about me. It’s about Amon.”

  “Yeah, but your safety is paramount,” Rehan says seriously.

  “Let’s not worry about it,” I tell them, sitting up so I can kiss him. I really don’t want to argue with them.

  He doesn’t pull away and for a second; I think I’ve won but then he’s telling me we’ll readdress it tomorrow. Damn it. I decide that I’ll just leave before they wake up, but I don’t tell them that. Although that might be harder than it sounds, between their sensitive hearing and Amon’s inability to wake up early.

  Straddling Rehan, I focus on the kiss. I don’t want to think about tomorrow anymore. I’m aching to touch him as I rub up against him. I take his dick in my hand and prepare myself to lower onto it. I’m impatient and I don’t want to give them so much as a minute to start up their conversation.

  I want sex. And plenty of it. Not an argument about my safety.

  Rehan’s hands go to my thighs, guiding me up and down on his erection. I’m not sure what the others are doing. But just the idea that they might be watching us turns me on even more.

  I move quickly, craving release, my fingers rubbing circles around my clit.

  I feel lips on my neck and I’m not completely sure who they belong to. I could look, but I don’t really care. I want all four of them to touch me. Whoever it is, replaces my hand with his on my clit and I reach back to take his shaft into my hand, rubbing it slowly.

  This is exactly what I want…

  I speed up, chasing my orgasm and my movements become less controlled but fortunately the guys help me, guiding me, bringing me to the edge.

  Rehan lets out a hearty groan as he comes and then Wren is practically yanking me off the other man’s cock so he can push into me himself. I wrap myself around him, clawing at his back, desperate for release.

  I could get used to this…


  An hour or so later, we’re all lying around, limbs entwined, cheeks flushed and feeling a little breathless.

  “How did I get so lucky?” I ask laughingly.

  Most girls would be happy with just one guy who can make them see fireworks, I’ve got four. I feel a little greedy. It seems crazy how much everything has changed in the last few days.

  Wren grins at me, his head resting on the pillow next to me.

  I have questions for him. Well, I have questions for all of them, but I get the feeling he doesn’t really like answering my questions. Not that that will stop me asking them.

  “How did you find me?” I ask, my voice barely a whisper.

  “What do you mean?” His eyes close as he yawns. He looks calm at ease but I get the strange feeling that he’s not, as if there’s tension rolling off his skin. I don’t know what he’s hiding from me, but he definitely is.

  “The witch said you shouldn’t have been able to find me,” I tell him.

  “We just got lucky, I guess,” he tells me dismissively.

  It’s not a good enough answer but I don’t want to argue with him about it so I decide to drop it, at least for now. It’s late and I’m tired and tomorrow is going to be a long day. Closing my eyes, I curl around Kalen, my head dropping to his chest. Finding the sound of his heartbeat, I allow it to lull me to sleep.

  There’s a wolf in my mind, a tiny little wolf. It’s smaller than Jerome was when he first came to the orphanage. She’s curled up, her black fur glossy, and then her eyes open wide. They’re a shockingly vibrant green and instinctively I know who she is.

  She’s my daughter.

  With a gentle whimper, she rolls onto her belly submissively and I know without doubt, that I have to protect her. She’s more important than anything else in the world and she’s mine.

  Waking with a start, I sit up straight, my breath coming in harsh pants. It’s still dark, but there’s a faint line of light coming through a gap in the curtains. My hand goes to my stomach and I find myself wondering what the hell I just dreamed.

  Kalen had mentioned our future child being important before, but why the hell am I dreaming about a child we’ve yet to have? I shake off my questions. It’s probably just my mind trying to make sense of all that’s happened in the last few days.

  That’s what it is… I certainly am NOT pregnant. Not yet, at least. It’s far too early for that.

  The Creepy Twins

  I’m running around like crazy, looking for my car keys. I don’t know where they’ve gone, but Amon and I will be late at this rate. I’m sure I put them on the counter in the hallway yesterday.

  Chances are one of the kids has hidden them AGAIN. But I don’t have time for this. I need to get Amon to the academy.

  The kids are all eating their breakfast while I run around like a headless chicken. No exaggeration.

  “Where are they?” I demand angrily, coming to stand at the head of the table. My hands on my hips.

  I search their faces, looking for the culprit. I wish I could work out who the hell took them so I can get out of here. But they all look innocent enough.

  “Maybe you just shouldn’t go,” Rehan says.

  “Lupine! We have to go!” Amon demands.

  “I know, Amon. Of course, we’re going,” I tell him before glaring at Rehan. “Larissa, where are they?”

  “How would I know?” She retorts. “I don’t know everything, you know!”

  What is with everyone today? I swear they’ve all woken up on the wrong side of the bed.


  She isn’t even meeting my eye as she says, “dunno.”

  “Right girls, where the hell are they?” I’m not stupid. It’s pretty damn obvious who took them. Ariella has never been the best at keeping secrets.

  “We told you we don’t know,” Larissa tells me.

  “Of course, you do because you took them.”

  Their eyes bulge, but they both stand their ground, refusing to back down.

  “You shouldn’t go,” Ariella breaks first. “Please Piney.”

  “Where are the keys?” I demand, extending my hand, palm up.

  Ariella glances at her sister, who is shaking her head profusely, but she flicks her fingers and something on the top of the fridge begins to rattle before the keys zoom right into Ariella’s hand.

  “The keys, Ariella,” I say when she doesn’t give them to me.

  “Please don’t go… Someone else could go. It doesn’t have to be you.”

  “Nothing will happen,” I argue, taking the keys from her.

  “You don’t know that,” she replies, but I’m not listening as I start walking out of the kitchen, Amon on my heels.

  “Do you really think it’s unsafe?” he asks nervously.

  “Of course not,” I tell him. “They’re all being daft.”

  “Lupine,” Wren calls me back just as I’m about to step

  I give Amon the keys and tell him to go wait in the car before turning back to listen to what Wren has to say. I’m getting seriously irritated with this now. I’m not as fragile as they all seem to believe.

  “What?” My tone isn’t exactly friendly.

  I’m not used to having four men feeling like they have the right to have an opinion on my every move. I’m an independent wolf. Unlike them, I’ve not grown up as a member of a pack. I’ve always been on my own and this is all new to me and I might not be handling it as well as I could.

  I shouldn’t be getting angry with them for giving a shit.

  “I’m going with you,” he tries to insist.

  I should say yes, but today is not about me. It’s about Amon. And even if someone is out to get me, I’m not going to just hide away forever. That doesn’t make sense at all.

  “No,” I say.

  He opens his mouth to argue with me, but I tell him that it will look even more conspicuous if I’m found with him. The Rossi family know what he looks like, but they know nothing about me.

  “Lupine, please…” he tries again.

  He’s not used to not getting what he wants. He’s used to people doing as they’re damn well told, and that’s not something he’s going to get from me. I can see just how frustrated he feels. It’s visible in his eyes and in the frown lines on his forehead.

  “I’ve got to go,” I tell him before popping up onto my tiptoes to kiss him briefly. “I love you.”

  It’s the first time I’ve said it and I think I’ve caught us both by surprise. His hands move to my waist, and he deepens the kiss.

  I pull away even though I don’t want to.

  “I need to go,” I whisper against his lips.

  “Please, Lupine…”

  “I’ll be fine,” I insist before walking away from him.

  Climbing into the car, I ignore the look on his face. He’s watching me from the doorstep and I hate that he’s so worried, but I still think they’ll all overreacting. We’ll be fine.

  “Ready?” I ask.